
151 people

Visiting Scholar
University of Newcastle
Clinical Teacher/Solicitor
University of Newcastle
PhD student
University of Newcastle
University of Newcastle
Sessional Academic Staff - Business School
University of Newcastle
Research Manager
University of Newcastle
PHD Candidate
University of Newcastle
Course Developer: Data Mining
University of Newcastle
Research Associate
University of Newcastle
IT Rover
University of Newcastle
Researcher Phd Candidate
University of Newcastle
Student Researcher
University of Newcastle
Senior Lecturer in Law
University of Newcastle
Research Fellow in Advanced Cyber Security...
University of Newcastle
Chair Indigenous History
University of Newcastle
Mechatronics Engineering Student
University of Newcastle
Web and Integration Developer
University of Newcastle
Coordinator, International Enquiries and...
University of Newcastle
Postdoctoral Research Associate
University of Newcastle
Risk Officer
University of Newcastle
Conjoint Fellow
University of Newcastle
PhD Student
University of Newcastle
Technical Officer
University of Newcastle
PHD Researcher
University of Newcastle
PhD candidate
University of Newcastle